Converting an Indoor Field Into a Court Virtually Overnight - Game-Changing Technology
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Okay, many of you know Ultra Base Court and also, at the same time, Ultra Base Floor. Really really excited about these products. I’ve always dreamed of having a product that would not be underneath of turf. You actually see the product and really get the full advantage of our interlocking panel-based technology. Ultra Base Court and Floor have done that. So, we got a call from a group, United Futsal and they wanted us to work with them on a tournament up in Plymouth Massachusetts at an interior sports complex, probably around 80,000 square foot facility. They needed us to do what I knew that only we could do, which was convert an athletic field, synthetic turf, into a court.
Converting an Existing Turf Complex Into An Indoor Court With Ultra Base Court
So, we went up. We brought 7,000 square feet of Ultra Base Court into this facility. In three or four hour time, we had the area built and low and behold, it performed miraculously. This felt like you were playing on a hardwood court, but you had the luxury of the resiliency that Ultra Base Court allows. The traction was phenomenal. The planarity, of course, where they interlock together was perfect. They striped the field temporarily with tape and essentially our court became the championship court for this four-day Futsal tournament up in Plymouth, Massachusetts. We believe that the conversion of any facility to have the ability to utilize it for other sports or other events is imperative. It’s all about dollars, folks. You know that. We want how do you take and utilize your space and best be able to enhance it. By having the ability to take a synthetic turf area and convert it into an athletic court is huge. For basketball, for Futsal, for deck hockey. Even if you wanted to take out court and put, say, a sport tile on top of it because you need something more smooth for volleyball, that’s one of the things that we’re looking at now.
Game-Changing Court Technology That Can Be Modified To Suit Custom Needs
We’ve created such great traction on this panel that, for volleyball, it’s a little too sticky and that’s, I think, is a good thing. We can make it smoother and more slippery. That’s easy, but getting to the traction that we achieve took me almost two years to do and we’ve done it. So, we’re really proud of the fact that we have got a product now that is going to allow you as a facility manager to be able to convert over to additional sports and/or take the same area and convert it into an area that you need more of a floor system, whether it’s going to be for a trade show event or you’re hosting a graduation event and you want to protect the turf. All this can be done with the Ultra Base Court and what’s so great about it, when these interlock together, just like all of our systems, you create this unified structure that feels solid underfoot.
No Damaged Turf – Easily Convert Back Into Synthetic Turf Field
It settled into the turf just enough to where you had a little resiliency, but basketball bounce was still great but the playability for Futsal, it was perfect. There was no… I could roll a ball from one end to the other and never deviated off line. I mean, the coaches and the refs that were on this were just blown away that this was built on top of turf. Again, we’re so proud of the fact that, once again, we’re the first company out there to be able to do this effectively. So, we always have known that we can take a concrete floor and it to synthetic turf. We’ve been doing that for years and with the launch of our new Ultra Base Max, which will be coming up here in later episodes, we’re going to change the game in the way that any area, whether it’s a dirt area or a concrete area, can be converted into probably the safest, best performing synthetic turf field, we think, ever created, but in this instance, it was turf to a court. We did it.
You’ll see from the photographs and the videos that we’ve got of the players on it and the installation, it was easy. We used volunteers. A lot of team members who were getting ready to play in the tournament helped out. So, we’re proud of it and it’s really something that we want you guys to look at because it’s about bringing more revenue dollars into your facility and we we all know you guys are looking for the ability to make more money in your facilities. You have to. I mean, economics are tough. So, I think we’re going to give you a great way of doing that and I’m looking forward to sharing a lot more of this with you in the future.