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Base for Courtyard & Ice Rink

Base for Courtyard & Ice Rink

We never cease to be amazed by the diversity of applications for Ultra Base Systems and the creativity and desire that so many of our dealers possess. A great example is this amazing facility transformation at the Downtown Courtyard Marriot hotel in Greenville, SC, created by Henry van Antwerp and Scott Giles of Heritage Synthetic Turf.

The Project

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Create an easy-to-convert, dual-purpose, common area for both a recreational grass area and a temporary ice skating rink. 

The first objective of creating a beautiful, low maintenance, artificial grass courtyard that guests of the hotel could enjoy was easy to achieve.  Ultra Base panels had already proven their success as the ideal sub base for artificial grass lawns.

The Base

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However, since this sub base also needed to support a temporary ice skating rink in the winter time, we were very interested in the results.

The team constructed a 6,000 square foot base using Ultra Base Professional  panels.

The Rink

When the time comes for ice, the team temporarily removes the turf, installs a liner, a chiller system and dasher boards directly on top of the UBS panels. Once the winter season is over, they thaw the ice, remove the liner, chiller, and dasher boards, and re-install the grass. Amazing.

Flipping Champion Panel

Get Started with Ultra Base Today

Talk to an Ultra Base team member today to discuss your project, application, and pricing options. Our experienced team will ensure you're choosing the right Ultra Base product for your application.