What Is IBT?

Read Video Transcript and Main Points Addressed Below

Okay. As I said in the introduction, there’s a lot going on around here. If you hear some noise to the right, we’re blowing out half of my shop and making more offices for our sales team. We’re growing and that’s a great thing. Every company needs to grow and I feel blessed that you folks have supported us so well. That’s allowing me to really begin to see the next level that we’re going to be able to take Innovative Based Technologies.

Introducing Some New Team Members at IBT

There’s some new faces around here and you’ll be listening on the phone to William Kelly. He’s been brought in as my new vice president of sales. I needed someone in here who really had some strong construction management side and sales experience of how to begin to help us create the distribution programs. The way that we can begin to grow the company and what that growth is going to allow me to do a lot more things, begin to expand into other areas and create more molds. They will service everybody more effectively. So we’re having a lot going on in the sales side. You’re also going to see on the logistical side of things, I’m moving people around. Jason, who was my freight forwarding manager, is now moving into QC and production management. Jan has taken his place, so there’s a lot of new faces around here for me.

What is IBT and what happened to UltraBaseSystems?

So if you’ve called up recently, you’ve had our assistant answer the phone, “Welcome to Innovative Based Technologies”. Well, some of you were saying what is that and where the heck is UltraBaseSystems? Well, the reality of it is we’re not having an identity crisis. We are going back to what I originally started the company as IBT and because we are a base technology company, that’s what we’re about. That’s what I want to do. We’re not making toasters, we’re not making cars. We’re now trying to set ourselves up as a position as the premier base replacement system in the world. We developed the technology, we created it. I can feel confident saying that there are products out there that are trying to replicate what we’re doing. We are the innovators of it and I started 20 years ago and 21 patents later, we are the ones who really began to really look at this space and say how do we replace what I call mass with science? So IBT is that company.

Going Forward We Will Be Pushing IBT More

So what you’re going to see here is that under The Innovative Base Technologies umbrella we have our family of products and they’re brands and our brands are UltraBaseSystems and typically we’re thinking UltraBaseSystems is, Ultra Base Champion and Ultra Base Professional. And then we have Ultra Base Max that is our new state of the art shock absorption play system that we are just in the process of launching now. But then you have the Ultra Base Floor System, Ultra Base Court System into that umbrella. And you’re going to see Ultra Base Deck is a product that we’ve created that is allowing us to build our panels on top of a roof system to creating a decking, if you will, for our panels to lock into.

So you know, IBT is your parent company. So when you call here and answer the phone, we’ll make it very clear of when you call in you’ll be directed to the category that you want. But you know Innovative Base Technologies is the company that is the manufacturer of our product and the company that we started with and we really see the growth potential coming in because everything that we’re doing from here on out is to support what we’re doing as far as base technology. So I just wanted to kind of clear that up if I can a little bit and let you understand. So when you call up, I have people like, “Well I thought I was reaching Ultra Base.” You are and trust me it will be organized such on the phone that you’ll know where you’re going. I just want you to let you know that this is nothing new. This has been a 20 year old company. I just made the decision that I really want to push the fact that we are manufacturing all these brands, and it’s everything else underneath us is, our family of products. So again, I just wanted to clear it up with you and hopefully it did. So nothing’s changed and we’re here to service you and looking forward to your next call.